Creating a Buddy List

The example below shows a simple "buddy list". To test it out, input a username and hit "send" to sign in. You will then be able to see any other users who are currenty signed in, and they will be able to see you. You can also change your status and see the status of other users. If you're working solo, you can open this page in multiples tabs/windows and sign in with different usernames to see the full functionality in action. For a bit more excitement, try entering an email address associated with a Gravatar account!

This example illustrates the use of two key elements of Respoke: Groups, and Presence. Groups give you the ability to send a single message to a group of recipients, as well as receiving notifications when someone joins or leaves the group. Using these events you can then add listeners to each endpoint for the onPresence event. This allows you to receive notifications when another user in the group changes their status and update your app accordingly.